Windrush workshop for schools

Did you know that as part of our Compassion In Crisis interactive workshops and performances we offer a special workshop telling the story of The Windrush and the lives of the individuals who came over to Britain to support the rebuilding of the country after the Second World War. Please watch our short film with Installation created by the students at Cleeve Meadow School.

We were back at Cleeve Meadow School for Black History Month and worked with the fantastic Year 7's alongside wonderful actress Gabriella Shillingford who told the true story of her grandmother Zelie.

This workshop focuses on exploring different cultures and experiences, appreciating the joys and hardships that the Windrush generation faced arriving in Britain.

Also questioning how we can move forwards as a country to accept change through hearing  the true account of Zelie who travelled on Windrush to work as a nurse and live in the UK. 

Thank you to the support of all the Cleeve Meadow teachers and staff and all the brilliant students who joined in. A special installation of the Windrush journey was set up in the library in celebration of this historical event and the art work the students created.

If you would like a performance of Windrush at your school or community setting, contact Cherie or Abi at