17/07/19 Theatre in Residence at Bethlem Hospital.

Bespoken Theatre are delighted to announce that they have become the Bethlem and Maudsley Hospital School's resident theatre company.

It has been a busy few months at the school and Bespoken have been working closely with children and staff to create unique and individual shows that are tailored to enhance and develop the learning curriculum of the school.

 The final show this summer was to celebrate the life of Mary Anning. Creating an interactive historical production about the incredible contributions that Anning made to Natural History and Paleontology.

The children were encouraged to dress up as Victorian fossil hunters and help Mary discover fossils on the beach. They also explored the history of the Victorian holiday and after a music hall interlude, were invited to queue for a delicious vanilla treat at a bespoke ice cream stall.

It was a wonderful end to an wonderful term. The company have many plans for next Autumn term including preparation for a Christmas show.

Watch this space...