Transformation Storytelling and Workshop at The Bethlem Hospital. 12/06/19

Outreach Workshop At The Bethlem Hospital

Today we were back at the Bethlem Hospital working with young people. Our session was all about 'transformation' and aimed to be a cross curricular workshop drawing together elements from Science, English, Maths DT and Drama. Our aim is always to engage all the senses in a multi layered experience. We worked closely with the school to write a session perfectly tailored to their needs. It was fantastic to see all the participants engage with the workshop and it was particularly pleasing to see their amazing acting skills and art work. This lovely review from one of the teachers says it all better than we can!

"The story of chocolate was a fabulous workshop of two parts. Starting with Cocoa butter hand cream and Willy Wonka singing a world of imagination wonderful the story telling started. We moved into our very own rain forest  to meet the Mayans and Aztecs through to the conquistadors  and then into Europe and Pepys's London and the chocolate houses of the 17th century. With kinaesthetic chocolate factories and questions to keep the engagement we ended with tasting the 'bitter water' and then the ever sweeter samples of chocolate the sensory backdrop continued as we were moved into some lovely design work of our own wrappers in part 2. We made some lovely design work with chances to think about the language of bar names and discussions around prices and flavours as we worked. Pitch perfect." 

Paul Harris Specialist Key Teacher